“Never train on the patient.”

Surgery is a life saver, but too many incidents may occur due to complications or difficult unmastered techniques. Our goal: allow the training of performant and skilled surgeons to be prepared to handle any pathology. We want all surgeons to be confident when they start to practice on their first patient.

Airplane pilots become the best by training on simulators, we want to allow surgeons to have the same possibility. Realistic biomechanical simulators are the future of surgical education.

What is the simulation for?

Simulation can not be a list of actions to perform anymore. If a complication occurs due to an error of manipulation, this complication must be dealt with.

We want to reproduce the reality of the operating room. Surgeons have to feel and see a faithful reproduction of it’s act during surgery to be able to learn, reproduce and improve.

What is the future of surgery education?

Surgeons will be trained, prepared and more performant. They will be able to manage standard cases and complications before touching their first patients.

Education is going to be shorter: Mentors will be able to train multiple interns simultaneously on difficult cases.

They support us:

We would like to thank the following partners for their commitment to our mission and their ongoing support of InSimo. The contributions they made both of their time and finances were crucial and are a key part of what makes InSimo what it is.

BioValley France_EN
Agence Nationale pour la Recherche_EN

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