Let’s meet on the 17th November @ InSimo offices !
Startup Assembly is a national festival organized this year by France Digital, an association promoting digital entrepreneurship.
During 3 days hundred of startups will open their doors and give opportunity to the public to discover this dynamic ecosystem from the inside.
For the 5th edition of this event all the team of InSimo will be pleased to welcome you in its office. We’ll be glad to explain you our story and job. You’ll also have the occasion to test several prototypes of our medical simulation tools ! We’ll finish this casual but passionate afternoon by sharing a drink together.
If you’re not convinced yet, just have a look at our previous news related to the 2015 edition of the event to see how it looks like.
So don’t wait and sign up on France Digital website to participate !

As last year, many people came to us to discover the startup environment.
Besides rich conversations about numerical innovation in healthcare, it was the occasion for the visitors to perform their first virtual surgery on our simulators !
Thanks to all for your interest to our job, and for this convivial and moment around a drink.
See you next year for a new Start Up Assembly edition !