In January, InSimo is
Touring France
with Hacking Health Camp
How do technologies improve health ?
Discover the projects resulting from the Hacking Health Camp innovation process
Tuesday January 14th : Strasbourg – Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg – Hôpital de Hautepierre
Thursday January 16th : Nantes – Clinique Jules Verne (VYV HGO)
Tuesday January 21rst : Toulon – Polyclinique des Fleurs (ELSAN)
Thursday January 30th : Valenciennes – Hôpitaux privés du Hainaut – Polyclinique VAUBAN (ELSAN)
The future of lumbar puncture training with InSimo!

Lumbar puncture is a technical procedure, stressful for both the patient and the practitioner. Our lumbar puncture simulator Sim&Care allows medical students and professionals to train on a virtual anatomy before performing this medical gesture on a real patient.
The 2019 edition of Hacking Health Camp in Strasbourg helped us to lay the basis of the mixed reality environment which is now a feature of the simulator for a complete immersion of the student and a consideration of the patient during the training for this delicate gesture.

Discover the latest version of the simulator!

To learn more about our wonderful experience at Hacking Health Camp in Strasbourg, click here!
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