Take care of a virtual patient suffering from a gastrointestinal stromal tumor
Determine the best surgical strategy for the resection of the lesion
Use your patient data to create a curriculum suited to your educational needs
The digestive surgery module has been developed with health professionals based on a patient-specific anatomy reacting to surgical interactions on the diSplay system thanks to biomechanical simulation.
Scalable and interactive, this module will be an educational tool of choice for your courses in visceral surgery.
Example of a patient-case
Become the actor of the care of
our patient-specific cases
Choose among the proposed patient-cases and analyse Brice Stom case thanks to the 3D model of his anatomy built from scanner images and reacting to surgical procedures thanks to biomechanical simulation.
Test, measure and visualise the consequences of different surgical strategies on this virtual patient without any risks and learn how to choose the best approach.
Brice Stom
Age: 58 years old
Situation: Married, 2 children
Profession: Turner-miller
Medical history:
Cervical disc herniation C6-C7
Rotator cuff syndrome
Allergic rhinitises
Stromal tumor resection
Test several surgical strategies to get the best result
Scanner images visualisation
Choice of surgical approach
Resection of the gastric lesion
Suture of the resection area
Analyse the pathology thanks to the measuring and visualisation tools
Determine the best laparotomy approach for a stomach surgery
Perform the right incision to excise the stromal tumor
Suture the stomach with optimal mechanical tensions applied to the organ
The curricula
Learn how to master digestive surgeries planning step by step thanks to the curricula!
Ideal to animate tutorials, a curriculum enables the students to take care of a clinical case and to plan the whole surgery step by step to understand all the stakes.
Create your tailor-made structured exercise to teach your students precise pedagogical notions.
Define the pathway for the resection of a gastric tumor, by incising the patient on the skin along a line that you have drawn beforehand.
Perform a virtual surgery for the first time, cutting and then suturing a patient’s stomach to treat the gastric tumor envisaged.
Visualize and compare different surgical results proposed. Then, try to rank them from the top down (from the best, to the worst).
Perform once again a virtual surgery on the virtual patient, trying to improve your first trial seen in STEP 2.
Our partners
Academic partners
The curriculum eSurg&Sim is the result of a successful collaboration between three actors of simulation for health in Strasbourg. It has been validated as an efficient educational tool during tutorial sessions with medical students of Strasbourg Université.
Medical expertise
Dr Isabelle Talon, visceral pediatric surgeon and lecturer for the University of Strasbourg, works with InSimo for the development of the oesogastric surgery module and validate medical and educational aspects.