From the 17th to the 19th of October 2019, Strasbourg will held the 11th European Symposium on Vascular Biomaterials
The goal of this event is to gather physicians, surgeons, textile engineers, mechanical engineers, scientists and industrials to improve patient care and safety through a multidisciplinary approach on the development of new tools, devices and technologies in vascular surgery.

InSimo will be there to present its
Simulation Software for Surgery Planning.

Discover diSplay Learning
What if you could foresee the best surgical strategy for a specific patient?
diSplay Learning is an interactive surgical procedure simulation software enabling the development of clinical reasoning through surgical strategies experimentation.
diSplay uses 3D models extracted from medical imaging to provide an interactive simulation of a fully operable and deformable virtual clone specific to your patient.
It is an innovative teaching tool that will allow your students to test, visualize, measure and monitor operating strategies, step by step.
A successful collaboration with the GEPROVAS

InSimo develops educational content in collaboration with GEPROVAS, which organises the Symposium, and UNISIMES. Last year, it resulted in the co-development of the curriculum eSURG&SIM, dedicated to the planning of gastric lesions resection. This partnership continues this year, supported by the Région Grand Est to supplement diSplay Learning with new educational content on other surgical specialties, including cardiovascular surgery.
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